Strukturentwurf einer Regattayacht mit Hilfe eines Topologieoptimierungsverfahrens nach der SIMP – Methode

Nils.Niebuhr [ at ]


Within the framework of the YEAH-Project „Yacht Engineering based on the ELiSE method for the application in the high-end regatta environment“ new ways for the design of radically improved light weight structures are found by using a new bionic lightweight construction and optimization method. Mass and maximum deformation of the entire system are key values for evaluating the grade of the structural design of a regatta yacht. The target is to minimize the weight of the structural elements, such that unbound mass can be positioned within the ship for the benefit of stability. Meanwhile minimizing the structural weight should not lead to a decrease of stiffness of the entire system followed by an increase of global deformation. An earlier conducted design study shows, that the idea of meeting both above mentioned demands while using a traditional structural design is not very promising such that the need for a new approach in structural design became obvious. Within this thesis and as an major element of the YEAH-Project, an innovative Space-Frame- Concept is introduced by using topology optimization as a design tool, based on an already existing sailing yacht design. It is shown, that the new concept outreaches initial expectations and leads to a remarkable decrease of mass and deformation. The topology optimization is conducted in two steps using load case information from the reference yacht. In the first phase, general information about the position of structural members in space is generated and planes for structural elements are derived. In a second step the best topology within those predefined planes is found and the Space-Frame-Concept is introduced. A structural analysis is used for dimensioning the structural elements, followed by comparing the grade of the new concept with the traditional frame system. For conclusion the applied method is discussed critically and recommendations for future work packages are given, focusing on the practical application of the innovative and promising Space- Frame-Concept.

Item Type
Thesis (Bachelor)
Primary Division
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Cite as
Hangen, J. J. (2013): Strukturentwurf einer Regattayacht mit Hilfe eines Topologieoptimierungsverfahrens nach der SIMP – Methode Bachelor thesis,

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