Growth and production of the venerid bivalve Eurhomalea exalbida in the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego

Growth, mortality and productivity of the hard clam E. exalbida from Ushuaia Bay, Beagle Channel were investigated. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were estimated to be H = 73.98 mm, K = 0.180 y 1, t0 = 0.147 y. Maximum individual production amounted to 2.742 g shell free wet mass (SFWM) at 49.5 mm shell height. Animals between 40 mm and 70 mm shell height contribute most to overall population somatic production P of 133.89 g SFWM m-2 y-1. Mean annual biomass B amounted to 1122.69 g SFWM m-2 y-1. Annual P/B ratio and mortality rate Z were estimated to 0.119 y-1 and 0.141 y-1, respectively. Slow growth and low turnover makes this population less suitable for sustainable commercial exploitation.