Marine Geology

rstein [ at ]


One of the key marine-geology objectives was the study of sediment dynamicsof megaslides along the Svalbard continental margin (as part of the ESF ProgramEUROMARGINS), using Hydrosweep (bathymetry) and PARASOUNDprofiling data, multi-sensor-core-logging data, and long sediment cores. In thiscontext, the characterization of sediment facies within debris flow and turbiditesequences as well as undisturbed pelagic sequences, the dating of sedimentmass flows and estimates of sedimentray budgets are of interest. Furthermore,detailed multidisciplinary (i.e., sedimentological, mineralogical, micropaleontological,and geochemical) studies will be performed on the sediment cores forhigh-resolution reconstructions of paleoclimate, paleooceanic circulation patterns,paleosea-ice cover, and paleoproductivity and their variability during lateQuaternary times. In order to reach these goals, an intensive sampling programwas performed using large-volume box corer, multicorer, gravity corer, and kastenlotcorer. In addition, gravity cores were taken from the central part of theYermak Plateau as well as the East Greenland continental margin as part of theIODP Site survey work.

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Field Report
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Stein, R. , Niessen, F. , Schoster, F. , Bahr, B. , Gebhardt, C. , Kukina, N. , Lensch, N. , Nam, S. , Noffke, H. , Penshorn, D. , Puhr, A. , Saraswat, R. , Schäfer, C. , Schneider, J. , Thiele, J. , Winkelmann, D. and Yanina, Y. (2005): Marine Geology , [Field Report]

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