Temperature and light requirements for growth of two diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) isolated from an Arctic macroalga
In the present study, two abundant epiphyticdiatom taxa were isolated from the assimilation hairs ofthe brown macroalga Chordaria flagelliformis collected inthe Arctic Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen, Norway), establishedas unialgal cultures and their growth rates determinedunder controlled photon fluence rate andtemperature conditions. Using morphological (light andscanning electron microscopy) and SSU rRNA gene databoth isolates (ROS D99 and ROS D125) were identifiedas members of a FragilariaSynedropsis clade. Themolecular data of ROS D99 and ROS D125 were notidentical to any other published sequence. While ROSD99 has been identified as Fragilaria barbararum mainlydue to the SEM characteristics, ROS D125 could not bedefinitely identified although morphological data speakfor Fragilaria striatula. Both diatom species showedsimilar growth rates at all temperatures and photon fluencerates tested. They grew well between 0 and 15Cwithoptimum temperatures of 1214C, but did not survive20C. Therefore, compared to Antarctic diatoms bothtaxa from Kongsfjorden can be characterised as eurythermalorganisms. Increasing photon fluence rates between2 and 15 lmol m2 s1 were accompanied with analmost twofold increase in growth rates, but photon fluencerates >15 lmol m2 s1 did not further enhancegrowth pointing to low light requirements. From thesedata optimum, minimum and maximum photon fluencerates and temperatures for growth can be assessed indicatingthat both diatoms are well acclimated to the fluctuatingenvironmental conditions in the Arctic habitat.
Helmholtz Research Programs > MARCOPOLI (2004-2008) > POL5-Autecology of planktonic key species and groups