The International Polar Year 2007/08: exciting activities and first results

Karsten.Gohl [ at ]


Scientific capacities and logistics of a global scale are currently bundled for the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007/08 to further foster and focus multidisciplinary and cooperative research in the polar regions of our planet. Being faced with the presently occurring climatic and environmental change, the purpose of the IPY is to comprehensively investigate the current status as well as past changes at various time scales, but also to explore regions of previously unknown geoscientific and ecological systems. The German research institutions are participating in the IPY with a broad band of geoscientific, climatic, biological and human-sociological studies, supported by a large infrastructure and future-oriented technologies. After the first half of the IPY, we will now draw an intermediate resume in which we present the state of the organisation and activities of IPY projects, illustrate the newly and continuously operated infrastructure and show examples of education, outreach and media activities. Scientific highlights from field work in the Arctic and in Antarctica, in which German scientists have participated in over 20 IPY projects so far, will be presented.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
Research Networks
Publication Status
Event Details
23. Internationale Polartagung, 10.-14. March 2008, Münster..
Eprint ID
Cite as
Gohl, K. , Dietrich, R. and Fahrbach, E. (2008): The International Polar Year 2007/08: exciting activities and first results , 23. Internationale Polartagung, 10.-14. March 2008, Münster. .

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