Value Label Red Green Blue 10 Urban and associated areas 195 20 0 20 Rainfed cropland 255 255 100 30 Irrigated cropland 170 240 240 40 Forest 0 160 0 50 Heathland and sclerophyllous vegetation 115 0 0 60 Grassland 170 170 0 70 Sparsely vegetated area 255 235 175 80 Vegetated low-lying areas on regularly flooded soil 0 220 130 90 Bare areas 255 245 215 100 Complex cropland 255 180 50 110 Mosaic cropland / natural vegetation 210 240 100 120 "Mosaic of natural vegetation (herbaceous, shrub, tree) " 150 100 0 200 Water bodies 0 70 200 210 Permanent snow and ice 255 255 255 230 No data 65 65 65