Erfolgskontrollbericht BMBF-Projekt „WissGrid – Grid für die Wissenschaft“
Project WissGrid was aimed at collecting experiences of five grid communities to support new communities in using grid technology. This included technical as well as structural and financial aspects. AWI engaged in all three work packages and contributed with its know-how in the operation of research platforms and the development of C3Grid. The discussions about a sustainable financial model of grid infrastructures resulted in the creation of a “Forum Kollaborative Forschungsumgebungen” (Collaborative Research Environments Forum). All the partners are willing to continue their work from WissGrid in this forum. The technical solutions of C3Grid were included in the blueprints of work package 2 which focuses on different aspects of grid environments and supports new communities to choose implementations meeting their specific requirements. The consulting activities of AWI and DKRZ for the community of climate impact research resulted in a close integration into C3Grid. Some components of C3Grid were modified, new workflows were implemented, and can now be employed by the users. The collaboration is still ongoing. Further consulting support was provided for the biodiversity/habitat research community. AWI developed tools for the long term archiving. They include a JHOVE module which can extract header information from files in widely used formats (netCDF, GRIB) and store them into an individually adaptable metadata profile. A similar module was developed for the astronomy which can process files in FITS format. AWI contributed to the general architecture for long term archives. In this document, Fedora is discussed as an option for repositories. We developed a frontend named Federico for a metadata repositoryin which users are supported in completing the metadata information for a specific profile. All developed software is freely available for all users in D-Grid.