Diversity and activity of marine bacterioplankton during a diatom bloom in the North Sea assessed by total RNA and pyrotag sequencing
A recent investigation of bacterioplankton communities in the German Bight towards the end of a diatom-dominated spring phytoplankton bloom revealed pronounced successions of distinct bacterial clades. A combination of metagenomics and metaproteomics indicated that these clades had distinct substrate spectra and consumed different algal substrates. In this study we re-analyzed samples from the initial study by total community RNA (metatranscriptomics) and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. This complementary approach provided new insights into the community composition and expressed genes as well as the assessment of metabolic activity levels of distinct clades. Flavobacteria (genera Ulvibacter, Formosa, and Polaribacter), Alphaproteobacteria (SAR11 clade and Rhodobacteraceae) and Gammaproteobacteria (genus Reinekea and SAR92 clade) were the most abundant taxa. Mapping of the metatranscriptome data on assembled and taxonomically classified metagenome data of the same samples substantiated that Formosa and Polaribacter acted as major algal polymer degraders, whereas Rhodobacteraceae and Reinekea spp. exhibited less specialized substrate spectra. In addition, we found that members of the Rhodobacteraceae and SAR92 clade showed high metabolic activity levels, which suggests that these clades played a more important role during the bloom event as indicated by their in situ abundances.