Status of the surface wave analysis for WALPASS dataset

The Walvis Ridge is the connecting link between the Tristan da Cunha hotspot and the Etendeka continental flood basalt province. This is an ideal location to get a better understanding for the plume-lithosphere interaction and the breakup of the continents. In the midst of the controversial topic of the likes of plume theory and various deep-Earth processes it is essential to have a clear image of this region to put forward any kind of geodynamical model. Within the frame of the WALPASS project twelve broadband ocean-bottom seismometer (BBOBS) had been deployed off the north-west coast of Namibia. as well as 28 land stations in northwestern Namibia. The seismological net covers an area of approximately 400 x 800 km. Data from eleven months (BBOBS) and up to two years (land stations) are available. We are presenting some preliminary work done on the BBOBS data set. Due to problems with internal power of the instruments, the internal clock drift could be measured at only two stations. We test ambient noise correlation to estimate the clock drift for the remaining 10 seafloor instruments. Furthermore, we will outline following steps of analyses of ambient noise and surface waves.