Ozone loss from quasi-conservative coordinate mapping during the 1999-2000 SOLVE/THESEO 2000 campaigns

Ozone observations made by the Airborne Raman Ozone, Temperature, and Aerosol Lidar(AROTEL) and Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) on board the NASA DC-8 aircraft, the NOAAin situ instrument on board the NASA ER-2 aircraft, and Third European Stratospheric Experimenton Ozone 2000 (THESEO 2000) ozonesondes are analyzed by applying a quasi-conservativecoordinate mapping technique. Measurements from the late winter/early spring SAGE III OzoneLoss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE) period (January through March 2000) are incorporatedinto a time-varying composite field in a potential vorticity-potential temperature coordinate space;ozone loss rates are calculated both with and without diabatic effects. The average loss rate frommid-January to mid-March near the 450 K isentropic surface in the polar vortex is found to beapproximately 0.03 ppmv/d.