Subglacial topography and internal structure of central and western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, determined from airborne radio echo sounding.

During five austral summers, from 1994/95 until 1998/99, the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)carried out a large airborne radio echo sounding (RES) survey in Dronning Maud Land (DML),Antarctica. These ice thickness measurements are part of the AWI contribution to the pre-site survey for a deep ice core drill site in DML within the European Project for Ice Coringin Antarctica (EPICA). The survey encompasses more than 90,000 km RES profiles over DML and the adjacent coastal area, covering more than 1 million km^2. The lower boundary ofthe ice sheet could be determined area-wide. Internal horizons occuring in the upper two thirds of the ice column can also be traced for several hundred kilometers. This work presents the latest maps of the subglacial topography of the investigated area as well as of an internal horizon.