Web-GIS Visualisation of Permafrost-Related Remote Sensing Products for ESA GlobPermafrost
The GlobPermafrost project focuses on the accessibility of remote sensing data. This comprises of data product generation as well as on specific infrastructure to give information on and access to data. Further information regarding project status and events are available from www.globpermafrost.info. An online user survey conducted within the project highlights that GIS software is applied by a great deal of the user community. Additionally, data preview was requested by the majority of the survey participants. The Permafrost Information System PerSys will be conceptualized as an open access geospatial data dissemination and visualization portal. PerSys will allow raster and vector products visualisation resulting from GlobPermafrost such as land cover classifications, Landsat/Sentinel Trend datasets, lake and wetland extents, InSAR-based land surface deformation maps, block glaciers’ velocity fields, spatial permafrost model outputs, LST datasets, and many more. The data will be published as WebGIS services relying on OGC-standardized Web Mapping Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) technologies for data display and visualization. The technical WebGIS environment will be hosted at AWI where a geodata infrastructure has been implemented comprising of ArcGIS for Server 10.4, PostgreSQL 9.2 and a browser-driven data viewer unit based on Leaflet (http://leafletjs.com). Independently, we will provide an ‘Access - Restricted Data Dissemination Service’, which will be available to users for testing frequently updated versions of project datasets. In addition, the European Research Council (ERC) funded PETA-CARB project (http://www.awi.de/) developing the Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre (APGC) where PerSys will become a core project. The APGC Data Catalogue will contain all final products of GlobPermafrost and links to the derived permanent DOI-based ESA remote sensing products archived in PANGAEA data repository.
Arctic Ocean > Laptev Sea
Arctic Mainland > Canadian Arctic
Arctic Mainland > Russian Arctic