Two novel azaspiracids from Azadinium poporum, and a comprehensive compilation of azaspiracids produced by Amphidomataceae, (Dinophyceae)
Two novel azaspiracids (AZA) with a molecular mass of 869 Da were found in Pacific strains of Azadinium poporum and characterized by tandem mass spectrometry and high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). One compound, AZA-42, was found in Az. poporum strains AZFC25 and AZFC26, both isolated from the South China Sea. AZA-42 belongs to the 360-type AZA that in comparison to AZA-1 has an additional double bond in the F–I ring system of AZA comprising C28-C40. The other compound, AZA-62, was detected in Az. poporum strain 1D5 isolated off Chañaral, Northern Chile. Mass spectral data indicate that AZA-62 is a variant of AZA-11 with an additional double bond in the C1-C9 region of AZA. In addition to the description of the two novel AZA, a comprehensive list of all AZA known to be produced by species of the genera Azadinium and Amphidoma comprising 26 AZA variants is presented.