Coordinating sustained coastal and ocean observing systems in Germany
The strategic approach to coordinate coastal and open ocean observations in Germany is introduced. The German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) aims at bringing together the marine science expertise of its member institutions and collectively presents them to policy makers, research funding organizations, and to the general public. Several strategic groups (SGs), composed by national experts, have been established under the KDM umbrella in order to coordinate scientific and technological aspects of German Marine Research. Two of these groups, namely the SG for sustained ocean observing systems and the SG for coastal observing systems aim at coordinating on a national level the variety of marine observing efforts. The activities of the SGs address technological challenges and solutions for observations, the current and future observing needs and the seamless integration of Germanys observing efforts into the European and global observing initiatives. The presented poster will introduce the members of the working group and their observing systems, as well as the goals of KDM.
AWI Organizations > Biosciences > Deep Sea Ecology and Technology