Local Generation of EMIC Waves Near the Plasmapause: Coordinated Magnetosphere-ionosphere-ground Observations
We present coordinated magnetosphere-ionosphere-ground observations of EMIC waves on 17 April 2018. The EMIC waves were identified by using ground-based induction magnetometer at Neumayer station (geomagnetic latitude = 65, L = 5.6) in Antatica on the morningside (MLT = 9.5). The wave activity lasted one hour with a frequency of ~500 mHz. During the wave activity interval, Van Allen Probes-A was in the dawnside magnetosphere near the equator between 0.5 and 0.4 in magnetic latitude (MLAT) and observed EMIC waves in the frequency band centered at ~500 mHz for ~40-min interval when the spacecraft was located at L = 4.6-5.2 and MLT = 6.1-6.7 hrs, just inside the plasmapause. In the upper ionosphere, low-altitude Swarm-B satellite polar orbiting at a constant radial distance of 500 km altitude was on the morningside with a small local time separation (~1.5 hrs) between Neumayer station and Swarm-B's orbital meridian, and observed ~500-mHz waves for a short interval less than 1 min when the satellite cross a region of 66 MLAT, which is close to the magnetic latitude of Neumayer station. Since the orbital speed of Swarm-B is about 3.8/min, the occurrence region of EMIC waves in the upper ionosphere is very narrow (MLAT < 3.8) in magnetic latitude. This region corresponds to L < 0.1 in the equatorial region of the magnetosphere. The coordinated magnetosphere-ionosphere-ground observations reported here provide strong evidence for local generation of EMIC waves near the plasmapause.