Fish monitoring in the Sylt Rømø bight (2007 et seq).

Due to changing temperature regimes in the North- and the Wadden Sea, the fish survey in the Sylt Rømø bight (SRB) was established in 2007 to investigate the Wadden Sea fish fauna with special interest in changes of migration behavior, species composition and feeding habits. Seven stations were sampled monthly inside the SRB. Two additional stations, one outside the bight, one close to the Danish border were sampled as references four times a year. For sampling a mini bottom trawl, total length 17 m, trawl opening 7 m, height 3 m with a mesh size of 36 mm in the wings, 16 mm in the mid part and 6 mm in the cod end was used. At every station one haul in the water column and another at the bottom were sampled, for 15 minutes at a speed of approximately 2 knots. The data help to get more detailed insight of food chains and energy flows in the Wadden Sea area. This compilation gives an overview of all datasets from the SRB fish survey for the period 2007 to 2019.