Arctic sea ice thickness variability and change
Arctic sea ice thickness variability and change and their dependence on the atmospheric and oceanic forcing are at the core of research in Subtopic 2.1, Theme: Ongoing and Future Arctic and Antarctic Climate Change. Our research is particularly focused on a better process understanding and representation in models, and observations during MOSAiC play a strong role. The poster gives examples of such process studies focused on Arctic sea ice thickness variability and change. We outline observations of the long-term and regional variability and change of sea ice thickness using satellite remote sensing, airborne surveying, and ice mass balance buoys. Thermodynamic growth and its interaction with the atmosphere over leads and level ice serves as an example for our joint research interests. The poster also gives examples of causes of sea ice thinning, like increased ocean heat flux to the ice due to Atlantification, and consequences, e.g., for reduced sea ice volume transport through Fram Strait.
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Polar Meteorology
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Physical Oceanography of the Polar Seas
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Climate Dynamics
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Sea Ice Physics
POLAR 6 > P6_222_IceBird_MOSAiC_2020
PS > 122/1 (MOSAiC20192020)
PS > 122/2 (MOSAiC20192020)
PS > 122/3 (MOSAiC20192020)
PS > 122/4 (MOSAiC20192020)
PS > 122/5 (MOSAiC20192020)