Tracing Permafrost Carbon across the Beaufort Shelf - Satellites, water, microbes and mud
The PeCaBeau (Permafrost Carbon on the Beaufort Shelf) project aims to track the movement and transformation of material from permafrost thaw along the land-to-ocean continuum. This multi-disciplinary effort investigates the sediment column between subsea permafrost and the seafloor, the water column, the atmosphere and the interfaces between these three units in the Beaufort Sea. By studying the sources, quantities and the quality of organic matter in the water column and in sediments, we aim to improve assessments of the Beaufort shelf as a carbon source or sink, and place these outcomes in the context of the Holocene paleo-environment and transgressed permafrost. Sampling operations took place in September 2021 on the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Amundsen funded by ARICE.
AWI Organizations > Geosciences > (deprecated) Junior Research Group: COPER