Diffuse Attenuation Of Underwater UV And Short Blue Light Obtained From TROPOMI’s High Spectral Resolution

Svetlana.Losa [ at ] awi.de


In this study, we exploited high spectrally reoslved Sentinel-5 Precursor’s (S5P) sensor TROPOMI’s potential to retrieve the diffuse attenuation for three bands reaching from the UV-B to the short blue wavelengths range. As a baseline, previously developed algorithms applied to similar atmospheric satellite sensors such as SCIAMACHY, GOME-2 and OMI were adapted and extended. Opposed to these precursor sensors, TROPOMI enable data acquisition due to a large swath with spatial and temporal resolution nearly as good as obtained from common open ocean color sensors, until today only multispectral. The later sensors do not enable retrievals in the UV spectral region, but are used for intercomparison to the short blue diffuse attenuation retrieved from TROPOMI. In this presentation, we provide detailed insights into the retrieval method, its uncertainty and the application to obtain data in the global ocean in open ocean and coastal regions.

Item Type
Conference (Poster)
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Event Details
12th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, 22 Jun 2022 - 24 Jun 2022, Potsdam, Germany.
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Bracher, A. , Oelker, J. , Alvarado, L. M. A. , Losa, S. N. , Xi, H. , Soppa, M. A. , Brito, A. C. , Brotas, V. , Costa, M. , Favareto, L. , Gomes, M. , Suseelan, V. P. and Richter, A. (2022): Diffuse Attenuation Of Underwater UV And Short Blue Light Obtained From TROPOMI’s High Spectral Resolution , 12th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Potsdam, Germany, 22 June 2022 - 24 June 2022 .

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