Der Meeresanstieg trifft auf neue Küsten
Als der nacheiszeitliche Meeresanstieg in den letzten Jahrtausenden abflaute, wurden die Küsten immer dichter besiedelt. Was nun aber tun, wenn ein aufgeheiztes Klima das Meer erneut steigen lässt: Verbarrikadieren und schließlich fliehen oder flexible Küstenanpassungen langfristig planen? Summary Sea-level Rise meets Novel Coasts Karsten Reise Global warming inevitably entails a long-lasting but highly unpredictable rise of the sea by several meters. Developed shores will have to regain natural flexibility and resilience by fringing biogenic habitats and by living with more water. Urban areas could be adapted to higher flooding by living at upper levels of constructions and by providing reservoirs for excessive water. Coastal people should be determined to long-term and large-scale planning, and aim for multifunctional adaptations, which could suit present and coming generations at rising coasts.