Calculation of repeated accessibility (navigability) based on daily satellite images of sea ice concentration.
The following downloadable R scripts for calculating the repeated accessibility are available here: 1. "Download of daily sea ice raster" - The R script automatically downloads all GeoTiffs from IUP, University of Bremen, and saves them in the directory of your choice. 2. "Existing and missing data" - The R script uses the downloaded GeoTiffs to create a table showing for which days satellite images are available and for which days they are not. 3. "Information of GeoTiffs" - The R script extracts important metadata of the downloaded GeoTiffs such as geographical projection, spatial extent and maximum value. A metadata table is created. 4. "Repeated accessibility" - The R script performs the repeated accessibility calculation based on a selectable threshold of sea ice concentration.
AWI Organizations > Institutes > HIFMB: Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity