Deconstructing Global Observed and Reanalysis Total Cloud Cover Fields Based on Pacific Climate Modes

Clouds are notoriously difficult to simulate. Here, we separate and quantify the impact of Pacific climate modes on total cloud cover (TCC) variability, using reliable satellite observations together with state-of-the art reanalysis outputs, over the 1979–2020 period. The two most prominent modes of annual TCC variability show intense loadings over the Pacific basin and explain most of the variance in what could be considered the “signal” in satellite TCC data. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) provides coupled TCC—sea surface temperature (SST) patterns that are linked to the Eastern Pacific (EP) ElNiño—Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Central Pacific (CP) ENSO in a physically consistent manner. The two ENSO modes dominate global coupled SST–TCC variability with the footprint of the CP ENSO explaining roughly half of the variance induced by the EP ENSO among these coupled fields. Both the EP and the CP ENSO exert an influence on Pacific decadal TCC variability. The impact of both ENSO modes on global total cloud cover variability is amplified by two positive feedbacks. These results could be used as a reference for model investigations on future projections of coupled TCC—SST variability responses to the CP and the EP ENSO.