FicD genes in invertebrates: A tale of transposons, pathogenic and integrated viruses

Many gene families are shared across the tree of life between distantly related species because of horizontal gene transfers (HGTs). However, the frequency of HGTs varies strongly between gene families and biotic realms suggesting differential selection pressures and functional bias. One gene family with a wide distribution are FIC-domain containing enzymes (FicDs). FicDs catalyze AMPylation, a post-translational protein modification consisting in the addition of adenosine monophosphate to accessible residues of target proteins. Beside the well-known conservation of FicDs in deuterostomes, we report the presence of a conserved FicD gene ortholog in a large number of protostomes and microbial eukaryotes. We also reported additional FicD gene copies in the genomes of some rotifers, parasitic worms and bivalves. A few dsDNA viruses of these invertebrates, including White spot syndrome virus, Cherax quadricarinatus iridovirus, Ostreid herpesvirus-1 and the beetle nudivirus, carry copies of FicDs, with phylogenetic analysis suggesting a common origin of these FicD copies and the duplicated FicDs of their invertebrate hosts. HGTs and gene duplications possibly mediated by endogenous viruses or genetic mobile elements seem to have contributed to the transfer of AMPylation ability from bacteria and eukaryotes to pathogenic viruses, where this pathway could have been hijacked to promote viral infection.