From conversion to conservation to carbon: The changing policy discourse on mangrove governance and use in the Philippines

Andrew.Song [ at ]


The current focus on mangroves as key ecosystems in mitigating the impacts of climate change has largely neglected the livelihoods of coastal dwellers interacting with mangroves. This article provides a review of scholarly and policy attention paid to these social groups and their means of struggle. It argues that the latest dominant governance discourse tying mangroves to blue carbon signifies a departure from catering to coastal people's interests and rights in mangroves. We describe the evolving discourses that have shaped mangrove use and conservation in the Philippines since the 1970s. While the mid-century preoccupation with mangrove conversion to fish farms gradually gave way to the pursuit of community-based mangrove conservation in the late 1980s and 1990s, recent experiences suggest a comparably weakened focus towards recognizing local access and use patterns. We contend that the present blue carbon framing of mangroves, which harbours technocratic and financialized ideals of sustainability, poses a fundamental disadvantage to local users of mangroves. We conclude by reflecting on ways to redress this trend via a new framing of mangroves.

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Primary Division
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DOI 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.01.008

Cite as
Song, A. M. , Dressler, W. H. , Satizábal, P. and Fabinyi, M. (2021): From conversion to conservation to carbon: The changing policy discourse on mangrove governance and use in the Philippines , Journal of Rural Studies, 82 , pp. 184-195 . doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.01.008

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