Reversals in Temperature‐Precipitation Correlations in the Northern Hemisphere Extratropics During the Holocene

ulrike.herzschuh [ at ]


Future precipitation levels remain uncertain because climate models have struggled to reproduce observed variations in temperature-precipitation correlations. Our analyses of Holocene proxy-based temperature-precipitation correlations and hydrological sensitivities from 2,237 Northern Hemisphere extratropical pollen records reveal a significant latitudinal dependence and temporal variations among the early, middle, and late Holocene. These proxy-based variations are largely consistent with patterns obtained from transient climate simulations (TraCE21k). While high latitudes and subtropical monsoon areas show mainly stable positive correlations throughout the Holocene, the mid-latitude pattern is temporally and spatially more variable. In particular, we identified a reversal from positive to negative temperature-precipitation correlations in the eastern North American and European mid-latitudes from the early to mid-Holocene that mainly related to slowed down westerlies and a switch to moisture-limited convection under a warm climate. Our palaeoevidence of past temperature-precipitation correlation shifts identifies those regions where simulating past and future precipitation levels might be particularly challenging.

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Primary Division
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Publication Status
Published online
Eprint ID
DOI 10.1029/2022gl099730

Cite as
Herzschuh, U. , Böhmer, T. , Li, C. , Cao, X. , Hébert, R. , Dallmeyer, A. , Telford, R. J. and Kruse, S. (2022): Reversals in Temperature‐Precipitation Correlations in the Northern Hemisphere Extratropics During the Holocene , Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (22) . doi: 10.1029/2022gl099730

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