Boreal (Eemian) Transgression in the Northeastern White Sea Region: Multiproxy Evidence from Bychye-2 Section

Henning Bauch


<jats:p>Reconstructing interglacial marine environments helps us understand the climate change mechanisms of the past. To contribute to this body of knowledge, we studied a high-resolution 455 cm-thick sediment sequence of the Boreal (Eemian) marine beds directly overlying Moscovian (Saalian) moraine in the Bychye-2 section on the Pyoza River. We analyzed lithological and microfossil (foraminifers, ostracods, pollen, aquatic palynomorphs) variations at the studied site. Stratigraphical zonation is based on the local and well-established regional pollen zones, correlated with the western European pollen zones. The studied marine beds accumulated from the end of the Moscovian glacial (&gt;131 ka) until ca. 119.5 ka. We distinguished three successive phases: a seasonally sea-ice-covered, relatively deep, freshened basin in the initial rapid flooding stage (&gt;131–130.5 ka); a deep basin in the maximum flooding phase with less extensive sea ice cover (130.5–130.25 ka); and a shallow basin with reduced sea ice cover (130.25–119.5 ka). According to a pollen zone comparison with other sites, the regional glacioisostatic rebound started ca. 130 ka. The diverse warm-water assemblages of benthic foraminifers and ostracods containing typical Baltic Sea species occurred during the regression, mainly 128–124 ka, thus giving evidence for a relatively long-lasting connection between the White and Baltic Seas.</jats:p>

Item Type
Primary Division
Primary Topic
Publication Status
Eprint ID
DOI 10.3390/quat7010003

Cite as
Taldenkova, E. , Ovsepyan, Y. , Rudenko, O. , Stepanova, A. and Bauch, H. A. (2024): Boreal (Eemian) Transgression in the Northeastern White Sea Region: Multiproxy Evidence from Bychye-2 Section , Quaternary, 7 (1), p. 3 . doi: 10.3390/quat7010003

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