Blue-Carbon-Potenziale der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee / Blue Carbon potential of the German North and Baltic Seas

Blue Carbon refers to the organic carbon content stored in the sediment of marine and coastal ecosystems. Against the backdrop of the current climate and biodiversity crisis, the Blue Carbon potential of marine ecosystems and habitats is gaining importance and is being intensively researched and discussed. A study by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) summarises the current state of knowledge on the Blue Carbon potential of the German North and Baltic Seas. Seagrass beds and salt marshes are already defined as Blue Carbon eco- systems and their contribution to mitigating the climate and biodiversity crisis is well recognised. The role of macroalgae, marine sediments and biogenic reefs is not yet clarified. Nationally, there are so far only few published, usable and spatially sufficiently well resolved data defining the Blue Carbon potential. As a part of efforts to combat climate change, there is a need to preserve Blue Carbon comprehensively, but there are still unanswered questions to be addressed. Based on this BfN literature study, strategies are discussed that specifically contribute to the promotion and preservation of Blue Carbon potential.

Peter et al 2024_Blue Carbon Potenziale der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee.pdf - Other
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