Climate challenges for fish larvae: Interactive multi-stressor effects impair acclimation potential of Atlantic herring larvae

Fish early life stages are particularly vulnerable and heavily affected by changing environmental factors. The interactive effects of multiple climate change-related stressors on fish larvae remain, however, largely underexplored. As rising temperatures can increase the abundance and virulence of bacteria, we investigated the combination of a spring heat wave and bacterial exposure on the development of Atlantic herring larvae (Clupea harengus). Eggs and larvae of Western Baltic Spring-spawners were reared at a normal and high temperature ramp and exposed to Vibrio alginolyticus and V. anguillarum, respectively. Subsequently, mRNA and miRNA transcriptomes, microbiota composition, growth and survival were assessed. Both high temperature and V. alginolyticus exposure induced a major downregulation of gene expression likely impeding larval cell proliferation. In contrast, interactive effects of elevated temperature and V. alginolyticus resulted in minimal gene expression changes, indicating an impaired plastic response, which may cause cellular damage reducing survival in later larval stages. The heat wave alone or in combination with V. alginolyticus induced a notable shift in miRNA expression leading to the down- but also upregulation of predicted target genes. Moreover, both increased temperature and the Vibrio exposures significantly altered the larval microbiota composition, with warming reducing microbial richness and diversity. The outcomes of this study highlight the high sensitivity of herring early life stages towards multiple climate change-related stressors. Our results indicate that interactive effects of rapidly changing environmental factors may exceed the larval stress threshold impairing essential acclimation responses, which may contribute to the ongoing recruitment decline of Western Baltic Spring-Spawning herring.

Franke et al, Climate challenges for fish larvae, Interactive multistressor effects impair acclimation potential of herring larvae, 2024.pdf - Other
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