Spatial modelling of sedimentary inventories and benthic fluxes in the Atlantic Ocean via GIS

An Atlantic wide compilation of biogenic silica (Bsi), total organic carbon (TOC) and calcium carbonate content in sea surface sediments were conducted, supplemented by a compilation of benthic fluxes of silicic acid and nitrate. By using spatial modeling and Geo-Information System (GIS) techniques regional differentiated geographical distribution of sedimentary inventories and benthic fluxes will be presented. Appropriate area integrated mass balances were established by regionalizing the seafloor in terms of benthic provinces. Furthermore, geostatistical analyses of the spatial distribution and mass balances yield the amount of interdependences of geochemical inventories with regard to oceanographic regimes of the seafloor. Finally, this study adds to clarify the role of the seafloor within the ocean wide nutrient cycle.