Evaluation of an eddy-permitting finite-element ocean model in the North Atlantic

A new version of the 3D finite-element primitive-equation oceanmodel (FEOM) based on tetrahedron partitioning of the computational domain isapplied to simulate the North Atlantic circulation at eddy-permitting resolution(0.2-2 degrees). It relies on a horizontally refined mesh in regions of steeptopography and allows the sloping bottom to be represented within thez-coordinate vertical discretization, similar to the so called shaved cellapproach. It is the first time this approach is used to model large-scale oceancirculation. The FEOM performance in the North Atlantic is compared with thatof other models in existence. The meridional overturturning circulation andheat transport compare well to the DYNAMO project models, while the mean seasurface height demonstrates the presence of the Gulf Stream recirculationreproduced only by the ISOPYCNIC model of DYNAMO. The annual mean transports ofthe Gulf Stream and Deep Western Boundary Current at 27N are of 37 Sv and 17 Svwith core velocities of about 1 m/s and 12 cm/s respectively. Due to flexibiityin mesh refinement the FEOM provides a tool for modelling the influence of smallscale phenomena unresolved by current climate models on large scale oceancirculation.

Helmholtz Research Programs > MARCOPOLI (2004-2008) > German community ocean model