Items where Author is "Eckert, C."

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Number of items: 16.

Conference -Talk
Eckert, C. (2003)
Schwammnadelsedimente in polaren Gewässern Genese, Struktur und ökologische Bedeutung ,
21. Internationale Polartagung (17.-22. März 2003 in Kiel). .

Conference -Poster
Bonse, D. , Janussen, D. , Meixner, M. and Eckert, C. (2003)
The reconstruction of paleoecological development in Lake Baikal based on recent and fossile sponge associations and their evolutionary development ,
2003 International Symposium on Environmental Change in Central Asia: Climate Geodynamics Evolution - Human Impact (10.-15. März 2003, Freie Universität Berlin). .

Conference -Poster
Eckert, C. , Hubberten, H. W. and Vennenmann, T. W. (2002)
Inkorperation von Sauerstoffisotopen in das anorganische Skelett rezenter Kieselschwämme (Porifera: Demospongiae und Hexactinellida) ,
Geo2002: Jahrestagung der "Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften der Festen Erde" (1.10.-5.10.2002 Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg), Session 37: J. Reitner: Biomineralisation. .

Conference -Poster
Eckert, C. , Kienel, U. and Bobrov, A. A. (2002)
Nördlichste Verbreitung und fossiler Nachweis von Süßwasserschwämmen (Porifera: Spongillidae) unter Permafrost-Bedingungen (Taimyr-Halbinsel) ,
Geo2002: Jahrestagung der "Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften der Festen Erde" (1.10.-5.10.2002 Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg), Session 14: H.-W. Hubberten & E.-M. Pfeiffer: Arktisches Sibirien: Klima- und Landschaftsentwicklung im Permafrost .

Conference -Conference paper
Eckert, C. , Vennemann, T. W. and Hubberten, H. W. (2002)
Oxygen isotope analysis of biogenic silica in sponge skeletons as a possible tool for palaeoclimatology ,
Bollettino dei Musei e degli Instituti Biologici dell`Universitetá di Genova .

Lubin, P. A. and Eckert, C. (2001)
Macrobenthos of the Yenisei River and inner Kara Sea ,
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, The German-Russian Project on Siberian River Run-off (SIRRO): Scientific cruise report of the Kara-Sea Expedition "SIRRO 2000" of RV "Akademik Boris Petrov" and first results (eds.: Stein, R., Stepanets, O.) .

Mehl-Janussen, D. , Eckert, C. and Weinberg, E. V. (2000)
Investigations on the endemic freshwater Porifera of Lake Baikal (Lubomirskiidae): Status and perspectives ,
Terra Nostra, 2000 (9), pp. 49-59 .

Conference -Poster
Eckert, C. , Demske, D. , Hegner, E. , Veinberg, E. V. , Müller, J. and Oberhänsli, H. (2000)
Multidisciplinary sediment record in Lake Baikal over the past 100 000 years ,
Terra Nostra .

Conference -Poster
Eckert, C. , Weinberg, E. V. , Oberhänsli, H. and Mehl-Janussen, D. (2000)
Utilization of sponge spicules in studies on ancient lakes - perspectives for paleoecological reconstruction of sediments in Lake Baikal ,
Terra Nostra .

Eckert, C. , Veinberg, E. V. , Kienel, U. and Oberhänsli, H. (2000)
A new preparation method for qualitative and quantitative analysis of fossil sponge spicules by light microscopy ,
Lake Baikal - A mirror in time and space for understanding global change processes (ed. Minoura, K.), Elsevier., ISBN: 0 444 50434 0 .

Conference -Conference paper
Weinberg, E. V. , Eckert, C. , Mehl, D. , Müller, J. , Masuda, Y. and Efremova, S. M. (1999)
Extant and fossil spongiofauna from the underwater Academian Ridge of Lake Baikal (SE-Siberia). ,
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum .

Weinberg, E. V. , Vorobeva, S. S. and Eckert, C. (1999)
Spicule Analysis and the prospects of its use for studying the Baikal bottom sediments ,
Geologiya i geofizika, 40 , pp. 1238-1241 .

Conference -Poster
Eckert, C. , Weinberg, E. V. , Müller, J. and Mehl, D. (1999)
Spicules analysis; the possible perspectives of its use for paleoecological studies of bottom sediments in Lake Baikal ,
European Union of Geosciences conference abstracts; EUG 10, Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4(1), p. 212, March 1999 (Terra Abstracts, vol. 11). .

Demske, D. , Müller, J. , Eckert, C. , Nowaczyk, N. , Mohr, B. , Oberhänsli, H. , Hubberten, H. W. and Melles, M. (1999)
A sedimentological and palynological record of Lake Baikal at the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary - a preliminary report ,
International Project on Paleolimnology and Late Cenozoic Climate - IPPCCE Newsletter (S Horie, ed), 12 , pp. 95-100 .

Conference -Poster
Eckert, C. and Müller, J. (1998)
Der Baikalsee ein kontinentales Klimaarchiv für die Zeit zu Beginn der Vereisung der Nordhemisphäre ,
ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium (4./5. Juni 1998, Ruhr-Universität Bochum). .

Conference -Poster
Weinberg, E. V. , Eckert, C. , Masuda, Y. , Efremova, S. M. and Mehl, D. (1998)
The peculiarities of sponges spicule composition in Holocene - Pleistocene sediments of the underwater Akademichesky Ridge of Lake Baikal ,
5th Int. Sponge Symposium 1998 'Origin & Outlook': Book of Abstracts .

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