Items where Author is "Udisti, R."

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Number of items: 29.

Ritter, C. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, Schulz, A. , Markowicz, K. , Stachlewska, I. , Lisok, J. , Makuch, P. , Pakszys, P. , Markuszewski, P. , Rozwadowska, A. , Petelski, T. , Zielinski, T. , Becagli, S. , Traversi, R. , Udisti, R. and Gausa, M. (2016)
2014 iAREA campaign on aerosol in Spitsbergen – Part 2: Optical properties from Raman-lidar and in-situ observations at Ny-Ålesund ,
Atmospheric Environment, 141 , pp. 1-19 .
doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.05.053 , hdl:10013/epic.48139
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Markowicz, K. , Pakszys, P. , Ritter, C. , Zielinski, T. , Udisti, R. , Cappelletti, D. , Mazzola, M. , Shiobara, M. , Lynch, P. , Zawadzka, O. , Lisok, J. , Petelski, T. , Makuch, P. and Karasinki, G. (2016)
Impact of North American intense fires on aerosol optical properties measured over the European Arctic in July 2015 ,
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres .
doi:10.1002/2016JD025310 , hdl:10013/epic.49101
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Moroni, B. , Becagli, S. , Bolzacchini, E. , Busetto, M. , Cappelletti, D. , Crocchianti, S. , Ferrero, L. , Frosini, D. , Lanconelli, C. , Lupi, A. , Maturilli, M. ORCID:, Mazzola, M. , Perrone, M. , Sangiorgi, G. , Traversi, R. , Udisti, R. , Viola, A. and Vitale, V. (2015)
Vertical Profiles and Chemical Properties of Aerosol Particles upon Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Islands) ,
Advances in Meteorology, 2015 (292081) .
doi:10.1155/2015/292081 , hdl:10013/epic.45735
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Tison, J. L. , de Angelis, M. , Littot, G. , Wolff, E. , Fischer, H. , Hansson, M. , Bigler, M. , Udisti, R. , Wegner, A. , Jouzel, J. , Stenni, B. , Johnsen, S. , Masson-Delmontte, V. , Landais, A. , Lipenkov, V. , Loulergue, L. , Barnola, J. M. , Petit, J. R. , Delmonte, B. , Dreyfuss, G. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Durand, G. , Bereiter, B. , Schilt, A. , Spahni, R. , Pol, K. , Lorrain, R. , Souchez, R. and Samyn, D. (2015)
Can we retrieve a clear paleoclimatic signal from the deeper part of the EPICA Dome C ice core? ,
The Cryosphere Discussion, 9 , pp. 567-608 .
doi:10.5194/tcd-9-567-2015 , hdl:10013/epic.44956
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Svensson, A. , Bigler, M. , Blunier, T. , Clausen, H. B. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Fischer, H. , Fujita, S. , Goto-Azuma, K. , Johnsen, S. J. , Kawamura, K. , Kipfstuhl, S. , Kohno, M. , Parrenin, F. , Popp, T. , Rasmussen, S. O. , Schwander, J. , Seierstad, I. , Severi, M. , Steffensen, J. P. , Udisti, R. , Uemura, R. , Vallelonga, P. , Vinther, B. M. , Wegner, A. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID: and Winstrup, M. (2013)
Direct linking of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores at the Toba eruption (74 ka BP) ,
Climate of the Past, 9 (2), pp. 749-766 .
doi:10.5194/cp-9-749-2013 , hdl:10013/epic.41259
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Stenni, B. , Buiron, D. , Frezzoti, M. , Albani, S. , Barbante, C. , Bard, E. , Barnola, J. M. , Baroni, M. , Baumgartner, M. , Bonazza, M. , Capron, E. , Castellano, E. , Chappellaz, J. , Delmonte, B. , Falourd, S. , Genoni, L. , Iacumin, P. , Jouzel, J. , Kipfstuhl, S. , Landais, A. , Lemieux-Dudon, B. , Maggi, V. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Mazzola, C. , Minster, B. , Montagnat, M. , Mulvaney, R. , Narcisi, B. , Oerter, H. , Parrenin, F. , Petit, J. R. , Ritz, C. , Scarchilli, C. , Schilt, A. , Schüpbach, S. , Schwander, J. , Selmo, E. , Severi, M. , Stocker, T. F. and Udisti, R. (2011)
Expression of the bipolar see-saw in Antarctic climate records during the last deglaciation ,
Nature Geoscience, 4 , pp. 46-49 .
doi:10.1038/NGEO1026 , hdl:10013/epic.36453

Kaufmann, P. , Fundel, F. , Fischer, H. , Bigler, M. , Ruth, U. , Udisti, R. , Hansson, M. , de Angelis, M. , Barbante, C. , Wolff, E. W. , Hutterli, M. and Wagenbach, D. (2010)
Ammonium and non-sea-salt sulfate in the EPICA ice cores as indicator of biological activity in the Southern Ocean ,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 , pp. 313-323 .
doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.11.009 , hdl:10013/epic.33978
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Wolff, E. W. , Barbante, C. , Becagli, S. , Bigler, M. , Boutron, C. F. , Castellano, E. , de Angelis, M. , Federer, U. , Fischer, H. , Fundel, F. , Hansson, M. , Hutterli, M. , Jonsell, U. , Karlin, T. , Kaufmann, P. , Lambert, F. , Littot, G. C. , Mulvaney, R. , Röthlisberger, R. , Ruth, U. , Severi, M. , Siggaard-Andersen, M. L. , Sime, L. C. , Steffensen, J. P. , Stocker, T. F. , Traversi, R. , Twarloh, B. , Udisti, R. , Wagenbach, D. and Wegner, A. (2010)
Changes in environment over the last 800,000 years from chemical analysis of the EPICA Dome C ice core ,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 , pp. 285-295 .
doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.06.013 , hdl:10013/epic.33977
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Stenni, B. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Selmo, E. , Oerter, H. , Meyer, H. ORCID:, Röthlisberger, R. , Jouzel, J. , Cattani, O. , Falourd, S. , Fischer, H. , Hoffmann, G. , Iacumin, P. , Johnsen, S. J. , Minster, B. and Udisti, R. (2010)
The deuterium excess records of EPICA Dome C and Dronning Maud Land ice cores (East Antarctica) ,
Quaternary Science Reviews 29(1)159., 146 .
doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.10.009 , hdl:10013/epic.33969
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Marino, F. , Castellano, E. , Nava, S. , Chiara, M. , Ruth, U. , Wegner, A. , Lucarelli, F. , Udisti, R. , Delmonte, B. and Maggi, V. (2009)
Coherent composition of glacial dust on opposite sides of the East Antarctic Plateau inferred from the deep EPICA ice cores ,
Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L23703. .
doi:10.1029/2009GL040732 , hdl:10013/epic.35643

Conference -Poster
Helling, D. , Kuhn, G. ORCID:, von Eynatten, H. , Vogel, S. W. , Rugi, F. , Castellano, E. , Marino, F. , Udisti, R. and Aghib, F. S. (2008)
Dolomite highlights glacial to interglacial transitions in Ross Sea deposits investigated in AND-1B core, Antarctica ,
AGU Fall Meeting, December 14-19, 2008, San Francisco, USA. .

Ruth, U. , Barbante, C. , Bigler, M. , Delmonte, B. , Fischer, H. , Gabrielli, P. , Gaspari, V. , Kaufmann, P. , Lambert, F. , Maggi, V. , Marino, F. , Petit, J. R. , Steffensen, J. P. , Udisti, R. , Wagenbach, D. , Wegner, A. and Wolff, E. (2008)
Proxies and measurement techniques for mineral dust in Antarctic ice cores ,
Environmental Science and Technology 2008, 42, 5675-5681, doi 10.1021/es703078z.. .
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Röthlisberger, R. , Mudelsee, M. ORCID:, Bigler, M. , de Angelis, M. , Fischer, H. , Hansson, M. , Lambert, F. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Sime, L. , Udisti, R. and Wolff, E. (2008)
The southern hemisphere at glacial terminations: Insights from the Dome C ice core ,
Climate of the Past. .
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Parrenin, F. , Barnola, J. M. , Beer, J. , Blunier, T. , Castellano, E. , Chappellaz, J. , Dreyfus, G. , Fischer, H. , Fujita, S. , Jouzel, J. , Kawamura, K. , Lemieux-Dudon, B. , Loulergue, L. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Narcisi, B. , Petit, J. , Raisbeck, G. , Raynaud, D. , Ruth, U. , Schwander, J. , Severi, M. , Spahni, R. , Steffensen, J. P. , Svensson, A. , Udisti, R. , Waelbroeck, C. and Wolff, E. (2007)
The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core ,
Climate of the past, 3., 485 .
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Ruth, U. , Barnola, J. M. , Beer, J. , Bigler, M. , Blunier, T. , Castellano, E. , Fischer, H. , Fundel, F. , Huybrechts, P. , Kaufmann, P. , Kipfstuhl, S. , Lambrecht, A. , Morganti, A. , Oerter, H. , Parrenin, F. , Rybak, O. , Severi, M. , Udisti, R. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID: and Wolff, E. (2007)
EDML1: A chronology for the EPICA deep ice core from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, over the last 150 000 years ,
Climate of the Past, 3 , pp. 475-485 .
doi:10.5194/cp-3-475-2007 , hdl:10013/epic.27069
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Fischer, H. , Fundel, F. , Ruth, U. , Twarloh, B. , Wegner, A. , Udisti, R. , Becagli, S. , Castellano, E. , Morganti, A. , Severi, M. , Wolff, E. , Littot, G. , Röthlisberger, R. , Mulvaney, R. , Hutterli, M. , Kaufmann, P. , Federer, U. , Lambert, F. , Bigler, M. , Hansson, M. , Jonsell, U. , de Angelis, M. , Boutron, C. , Siggaard-Andersen, M. L. , Steffensen, J. P. , Barbante, C. , Gaspari, V. , Gabrielli, P. and Wagenbach, D. (2007)
Reconstruction of millennial changes in dust transport, emission and regional sea ice coverage using the deep EPICA ice cores from the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sector of Antarctica ,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 260 , pp. 340-354 .
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.06.014 , hdl:10013/epic.27070
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Severi, M. , Becagli, S. , Castellano, E. , Morganti, A. , Traversi, R. , Udisti, R. , Ruth, U. , Fischer, H. , Huybrechts, P. , Wolff, E. , Parrenin, F. , Kaufmann, P. , Lambert, F. and Steffensen, J. P. (2007)
Synchronisation of the EDML and EDC ice cores for the last 52 kyr by volcanic signature matching ,
Climate of the past, 3 , pp. 367-374 .
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EPICA Community Members, T. , Barbante, C. , Barnola, J. M. , Becagli, S. , Beer, J. , Bigler, M. , Boutron, C. , Blunier, T. , Castellano, E. , Cattani, O. , Chappellaz, J. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Debret, M. , Delmonte, B. , Dick, D. , Falourd, S. , Faria, S. , Federer, U. , Fischer, H. , Freitag, J. ORCID:, Frenzel, A. , Fritzsche, D. ORCID:, Fundel, F. , Gabrielli, P. , Gaspari, V. , Gersonde, R. , Graf, W. , Grigoriev, D. , Hamann, I. ORCID:, Hansson, M. , Hoffmann, G. , Hutterli, M. A. , Huybrechts, P. , Isaksson, E. , Johnsen, S. , Jouzel, J. , Kaczmarska, M. , Karlin, T. , Kaufmann, P. , Kipfstuhl, S. , Kohno, M. , Lambert, F. , Lambrecht, A. , Lambrecht, A. , Landais, A. , Lawer, G. , Leuenberger, M. , Littot, G. , Loulergue, L. , Lüthi, D. , Maggi, V. , Marino, F. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Meyer, H. ORCID:, Miller, H. , Mulvaney, R. , Narcisi, B. , Oerlemans, J. , Oerter, H. , Parrenin, F. , Petit, J. R. , Raisbeck, G. , Raynaud, D. , Röthlisberger, R. , Ruth, U. , Rybak, O. , Severi, M. , Schmitt, J. , Schwander, J. , Siegenthaler, U. , Siggaard-Andersen, M. L. , Spahni, R. , Steffensen, J. P. , Stenni, B. , Stocker, T. F. , Tison, J. L. , Traversi, R. , Udisti, R. , Valero-Delgado, F. , van den Broeke, M. R. , van de Wal, R. S. W. , Wagenbach, D. , Wegner, A. , Weiler, K. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID:, Winther, J. G. and Wolff, E. (2006)
One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica ,
Nature, 444 (7116), pp. 195-198 .
doi:10.1038/nature05301 , hdl:10013/epic.41684
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Bertler, N. , Mayewski, P. , Aristarain, A. , Barrett, P. , Becagli, S. , Bernardo, R. T. , Bo, S. , Cunde, X. , Curran, M. , Dahe, Q. , Dixon, D. , Ferron, F. A. , Fischer, H. , Frey, M. , Frezzotti, M. , Fundel, F. , Genthon, C. , Gragani, R. , Hamilton, G. , Handley, M. , Hong, S. , Isaksson, E. , Jiancheng, K. , Jiawen, R. , Kamiyama, K. , Kanamori, S. , Kärkäs, E. , Karlöf, L. , Kaspari, S. , Kreutz, K. , Kurbatov, A. , Meyerson, E. , Ming, Y. , Mingjun, Z. , Motoyama, H. , Mulvaney, R. , Oerter, H. , Osterberg, E. , Proposito, M. , Pyne, A. , Ruth, U. , Simoes, J. C. , Smith, B. , Sneed, S. , Teinlä, K. , Traufetter, F. , Udisti, R. , Virkkula, A. , Watanabe, O. , Williamson, B. , Winther, J. G. , Yuansheng, L. , Wolff, E. , Zhongqin, L. and Zielinski, A. (2006)
Snow chemistry across Antarctica ,
Annals of Glaciology, 41 , pp. 167-179 .
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Wolff, E. W. , Fischer, H. , Fundel, F. , Ruth, U. , Twarloh, B. , Littot, G. , Mulvaney, R. , Röthlisberger, R. , de Angelis, M. , Boutron, C. , Hansson, M. , Jonsell, U. , Hutterli, M. , Bigler, M. , Lambert, F. , Kaufmann, P. , Stauffer, B. , Steffensen, J. P. , Siggaard-Andersen, M. L. , Udisti, R. , Becagli, S. , Castellano, E. , Severi, M. , Wagenbach, D. , Barbante, C. , Gabrielli, P. and Gaspari, V. (2006)
Southern Ocean sea-ice extent, productivity and iron flux over the past eight glacial cycles ,
Nature .
doi:10.1038/nature04614 , hdl:10013/epic.24038
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Conference -Poster
Fundel, F. , Fischer, H. , Twarloh, B. , Ruth, U. , Wolff, E. W. , Littot, G. , Mulvaney, R. , Angelis, M. , Hansson, M. , Jonsell, U. , Hutterli, M. , Kaufmann, P. , Federer, U. , Lambert, F. , Steffensen, J. P. , Udisti, R. , Becagli, S. , Castellano, E. , Severi, M. , Barbante, C. and Gaspari, V. (2005)
Marine biogenic sulphur in the EPICA ice cores over the last glacial cycle ,
ESF Research Conference on Polar Regions and Quaternary Climate, 24-29.09.2005, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy. .
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Conference -Talk
Fischer, H. , Fundel, F. , Twarloh, B. , Ruth, U. , Wolff, E. W. , Littot, G. , Mulvaney, R. , de Angelis, M. , Hansson, M. , Jonsell, U. , Hutterli, M. , Kaufmann, P. , Federer, U. , Lambert, F. , Steffensen, J. P. , Udisti, R. , Becagli, S. , Castellano, E. , Severi, M. , Barbante, C. and Gaspari, V. (2005)
Sea Salt and Mineral Dust in Ion Records from the new EDML Ice Core: Sources vs. Transport ,
EGU General Assembly, 24-29 April, Vienna, Austria. .

Conference -Poster
Fundel, F. , Fischer, H. , Twarloh, B. , Ruth, U. , Wolff, E. W. , Littot, G. , Mulvaney, R. , de Angelis, M. , Hansson, M. , Jonsell, U. , Hutterli, M. , Kaufmann, P. , Federer, U. , Lambert, F. , Steffensen, J. P. , Udisti, R. , Becagli, S. , Castellano, E. , Severi, M. , Barbante, C. and Gaspari, V. (2005)
Variability in marine biogenic species in the EPICA ice cores during the last 150000 years: Effects of aerosol deposition or bio productivity ,
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 04364SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-04364 © European Geosciences Union 2005 .
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Conference -Poster
Castellano, E. , Becagli, S. , Benassai, S. , Severi, M. , Traversi, R. , Fischer, H. , Jouzel, J. , Lambert, F. , Ruth, U. and Udisti, R. (2004)
900 kyr of Paleo-Volcanism from the EPICA Ice Core Dome-C, Antarctica ,
AGU Fall Meeting 13-17 Dec. 2004 San Francisco USA. .

Conference -Poster
Udisti, R. , Becagli, S. , Benassai, S. , Castellano, E. , Severi, M. , Traversi, R. , DeAngelis, M. , Delmonte, B. , Hansson, M. , Jouzel, J. , Lambert, F. , Littot, G. , Petit, J. , Ruth, U. and Steffensen, J. P. (2004)
EPICA Dome-C Ice Core FIC Analysis: the longest Chloride, Nitrate and Sulfate High Resolution Record from an Ice Core (900kyr) ,
AGU Fall Meeting 13-17 Dec. 2004 San Francisco USA. .

Conference -Poster
Fundel, F. , Fischer, H. , Twarloh, B. , Wolff, E. W. , Littot, G. , Udisti, R. , Benassai, S. , Hansson, M. , Oerter, H. , Wegner, A. , Ruth, U. and Kaufmann, P. (2004)
The EPICA Dronning Maud Land glacio-chemical high resolution record of the top 450 m and beyond ,
XXVIII SCAR Meeting Bremen .

EPICA Community Members, Augustin, L. , Barbante, C. , Barnes, P. R. F. , Barnola, J. M. , Bigler, M. , Castellano, E. , Cattani, O. , Chappellaz, J. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Delmonte, B. , Dreyfus, G. , Durand, G. , Falourd, S. , Fischer, H. , Flückiger, J. , Hansson, M. E. , Huybrechts, P. , Jugie, G. , Johnsen, S. J. , Jouzel, J. , Kaufmann, P. , Kipfstuhl, J. , Lambert, F. , Lipenkov, V. Y. , Littot, G. C. , Longinelli, A. , Lorrain, R. , Maggi, V. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Miller, H. , Mulvaney, R. , Oerlemans, J. , Oerter, H. , Orombelli, G. , Parrenin, F. , Peel, D. A. , Petit, J. R. , Raynaud, D. , Ritz, C. , Ruth, U. , Schwander, J. , Siegenthaler, U. , Souchez, R. , Stauffer, B. , Steffensen, J. P. , Stenni, B. , Stocker, T. F. , Tabacco, I. E. , Udisti, R. , Wal, R. S. W. , Broeke, M. , Weiss, J. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID:, Winther, J. G. , Wolff, E. W. and Zucchelli, M. (2004)
Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core ,
Nature, 429 , pp. 623-628 .
doi:10.1038/nature02599 , hdl:10013/epic.21106
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Conference -Poster
Lambert, F. , Bigler, M. , Kaufmann, P. , Stauffer, B. , Castellano, E. , Migliori, A. , Udisti, R. , Wolff, E. , Jouzel, J. and Ruth, U. (2003)
Where is interstadial 13 in the Dome C ice core? Findings from the dust and the chemical records ,
European Research Conference on "Polar Regions and Quarternary Climate", San Feliu de Guixois, SpainOctober 2003. .

Conference -Poster
Udisti, R. , Castellano, E. , Traversi, R. , Stenni, B. , Maggi, V. , Fritzsche, D. ORCID: and Flora, O. , University of Florence, University of Milano (1998)
Chemistry, stable isotope and physical properties of the Dome C surface snow (east Antarctica) ,
The Sixth International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology ISAG-6, Lanzhou, 5 September 1998 - 9 September 1998 .
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