Items where Author is "Wolff, E."

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Number of items: 24.


Tison, J. L. , de Angelis, M. , Littot, G. , Wolff, E. , Fischer, H. , Hansson, M. , Bigler, M. , Udisti, R. , Wegner, A. , Jouzel, J. , Stenni, B. , Johnsen, S. , Masson-Delmontte, V. , Landais, A. , Lipenkov, V. , Loulergue, L. , Barnola, J. M. , Petit, J. R. , Delmonte, B. , Dreyfuss, G. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Durand, G. , Bereiter, B. , Schilt, A. , Spahni, R. , Pol, K. , Lorrain, R. , Souchez, R. and Samyn, D. (2015)
Can we retrieve a clear paleoclimatic signal from the deeper part of the EPICA Dome C ice core? ,
The Cryosphere Discussion, 9 , pp. 567-608 .
doi:10.5194/tcd-9-567-2015 , hdl:10013/epic.44956
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Fischer, H. , Severinghaus, J. , Brook, E. , Wolff, E. , Albert, M. , Alemany, O. , Arthern, R. , Bentley, C. , Blankenship, D. , Chappellaz, J. , Creyts, T. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Dinn, M. , Frezzotti, M. , Fujita, S. , Gallee, H. , Hindmarsh, R. , Hudspeth, D. , Jugie, G. , Kawamura, K. , Lipenkov, V. , Miller, H. , Mulvaney, R. , Parrenin, F. , Pattyn, F. , Ritz, C. , Schwander, J. , Steinhage, D. , van Ommen, T. and Wilhelms, F. ORCID: (2013)
Where to find 1.5 million yr old ice for the IPICS "Oldest-Ice" ice core ,
Climate of the Past, 9 (6), pp. 2489-2505 .
doi:10.5194/cp-9-2489-2013 , hdl:10013/epic.42692
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Barker, S. , Knorr, G. ORCID:, Edwards, R. L. , Parrenin, F. , Putnam, A. E. , Skinner, L. C. , Wolff, E. and Ziegler, M. (2011)
800,000 Years of Abrupt Climate Variability ,
Science, 334 , pp. 347-351 .
doi:10.1126/science.1203580 , hdl:10013/epic.38145

Bory, A. , Wolff, E. , Mulvaney, R. , Jagoutz, E. , Wegner, A. , Ruth, U. and Elderfield, H. (2010)
Multiple sources supply eolian mineral dust to the Atlantic sector of coastal Antarctica: Evidence from recent snow layers at the top of Berkner Island ice sheet ,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 291 (1-4), pp. 138-148 .
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.006 , hdl:10013/epic.37134

Fischer, H. , Schmitt, J. , Lüthi, D. , Stocker, T. F. , Tschumi, T. , Parekh, P. , Joos, F. , Köhler, P. ORCID:, Völker, C. ORCID:, Gersonde, R. , Barbante, C. , Le Floch, M. , Raynaud, D. and Wolff, E. (2010)
The role of Southern Ocean processes on orbital and millennial CO2 variations - a synthesis ,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (1), pp. 193-205 .
doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.06.007 , hdl:10013/epic.33950
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Ruth, U. , Barbante, C. , Bigler, M. , Delmonte, B. , Fischer, H. , Gabrielli, P. , Gaspari, V. , Kaufmann, P. , Lambert, F. , Maggi, V. , Marino, F. , Petit, J. R. , Steffensen, J. P. , Udisti, R. , Wagenbach, D. , Wegner, A. and Wolff, E. (2008)
Proxies and measurement techniques for mineral dust in Antarctic ice cores ,
Environmental Science and Technology 2008, 42, 5675-5681, doi 10.1021/es703078z.. .
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Röthlisberger, R. , Mudelsee, M. ORCID:, Bigler, M. , de Angelis, M. , Fischer, H. , Hansson, M. , Lambert, F. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Sime, L. , Udisti, R. and Wolff, E. (2008)
The southern hemisphere at glacial terminations: Insights from the Dome C ice core ,
Climate of the Past. .
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Parrenin, F. , Barnola, J. M. , Beer, J. , Blunier, T. , Castellano, E. , Chappellaz, J. , Dreyfus, G. , Fischer, H. , Fujita, S. , Jouzel, J. , Kawamura, K. , Lemieux-Dudon, B. , Loulergue, L. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Narcisi, B. , Petit, J. , Raisbeck, G. , Raynaud, D. , Ruth, U. , Schwander, J. , Severi, M. , Spahni, R. , Steffensen, J. P. , Svensson, A. , Udisti, R. , Waelbroeck, C. and Wolff, E. (2007)
The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core ,
Climate of the past, 3., 485 .
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Ruth, U. , Barnola, J. M. , Beer, J. , Bigler, M. , Blunier, T. , Castellano, E. , Fischer, H. , Fundel, F. , Huybrechts, P. , Kaufmann, P. , Kipfstuhl, S. , Lambrecht, A. , Morganti, A. , Oerter, H. , Parrenin, F. , Rybak, O. , Severi, M. , Udisti, R. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID: and Wolff, E. (2007)
EDML1: A chronology for the EPICA deep ice core from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, over the last 150 000 years ,
Climate of the Past, 3 , pp. 475-485 .
doi:10.5194/cp-3-475-2007 , hdl:10013/epic.27069
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Fischer, H. , Siggard-Andersen, M. L. , Ruth, U. , Röthlisberger, R. and Wolff, E. (2007)
Glacial/interglacial changes in mineral dust and sea-salt records in polar ice cores: Sources, transport, and deposition ,
Reviews of geophysics, 45, RG1002. .
doi:10.1029/2005RG000192 , hdl:10013/epic.24289
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Simpson, W. R. , von Glasow, R. , Riedel, K. , Anderson, P. , Ariya, P. , Bottenheim, J. , Burrows, J. , Carpenter, L. J. , Frieß, U. , Goodsite, M. E. , Heard, D. , Hutterli, M. , Jacobi, H. W. , Kaleschke, L. , Neff, B. , Plane, J. , Platt, U. , Richter, A. , Roscoe, H. , Sander, R. , Shepson, P. , Sodeau, J. , Steffen, A. , Wagner, T. and Wolff, E. (2007)
Halogens and their role in polar boundary-layer ozone depletion ,
Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 7{}, 4375 .
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Fischer, H. , Fundel, F. , Ruth, U. , Twarloh, B. , Wegner, A. , Udisti, R. , Becagli, S. , Castellano, E. , Morganti, A. , Severi, M. , Wolff, E. , Littot, G. , Röthlisberger, R. , Mulvaney, R. , Hutterli, M. , Kaufmann, P. , Federer, U. , Lambert, F. , Bigler, M. , Hansson, M. , Jonsell, U. , de Angelis, M. , Boutron, C. , Siggaard-Andersen, M. L. , Steffensen, J. P. , Barbante, C. , Gaspari, V. , Gabrielli, P. and Wagenbach, D. (2007)
Reconstruction of millennial changes in dust transport, emission and regional sea ice coverage using the deep EPICA ice cores from the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sector of Antarctica ,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 260 , pp. 340-354 .
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.06.014 , hdl:10013/epic.27070
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Severi, M. , Becagli, S. , Castellano, E. , Morganti, A. , Traversi, R. , Udisti, R. , Ruth, U. , Fischer, H. , Huybrechts, P. , Wolff, E. , Parrenin, F. , Kaufmann, P. , Lambert, F. and Steffensen, J. P. (2007)
Synchronisation of the EDML and EDC ice cores for the last 52 kyr by volcanic signature matching ,
Climate of the past, 3 , pp. 367-374 .
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Grannas, A. M. , Jones, A. E. , Dibb, J. , Ammann, M. , Anastasio, C. , Beine, H. J. , Bergin, M. , Bottenheim, J. , Boxe, C. S. , Carver, G. , Chen, G. , Crawford, J. H. , Dominé, F. , Frey, M. M. , Guzmán, M. I. , Heard, D. E. , Helmig, D. , Hoffmann, M. , Honrath, R. E. , Huey, L. G. , Hutterli, M. , Jacobi, H. W. , Klán, P. , Lefer, B. , McConnell, J. , Plane, J. , Sander, R. , Savarino, J. , Shepson, P. B. , Simpson, W. R. , Sodeau, J. R. , von Glaosw, R. , Weller, R. ORCID:, Wolff, E. and Zhu, T. (2007)
An overview of snow photochemistry: evidence, mechanisms and impacts ,
Atmospheric chemistry and physics 7{}, 4329 .
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EPICA Community Members, T. , Barbante, C. , Barnola, J. M. , Becagli, S. , Beer, J. , Bigler, M. , Boutron, C. , Blunier, T. , Castellano, E. , Cattani, O. , Chappellaz, J. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Debret, M. , Delmonte, B. , Dick, D. , Falourd, S. , Faria, S. , Federer, U. , Fischer, H. , Freitag, J. ORCID:, Frenzel, A. , Fritzsche, D. ORCID:, Fundel, F. , Gabrielli, P. , Gaspari, V. , Gersonde, R. , Graf, W. , Grigoriev, D. , Hamann, I. ORCID:, Hansson, M. , Hoffmann, G. , Hutterli, M. A. , Huybrechts, P. , Isaksson, E. , Johnsen, S. , Jouzel, J. , Kaczmarska, M. , Karlin, T. , Kaufmann, P. , Kipfstuhl, S. , Kohno, M. , Lambert, F. , Lambrecht, A. , Lambrecht, A. , Landais, A. , Lawer, G. , Leuenberger, M. , Littot, G. , Loulergue, L. , Lüthi, D. , Maggi, V. , Marino, F. , Masson-Delmotte, V. , Meyer, H. ORCID:, Miller, H. , Mulvaney, R. , Narcisi, B. , Oerlemans, J. , Oerter, H. , Parrenin, F. , Petit, J. R. , Raisbeck, G. , Raynaud, D. , Röthlisberger, R. , Ruth, U. , Rybak, O. , Severi, M. , Schmitt, J. , Schwander, J. , Siegenthaler, U. , Siggaard-Andersen, M. L. , Spahni, R. , Steffensen, J. P. , Stenni, B. , Stocker, T. F. , Tison, J. L. , Traversi, R. , Udisti, R. , Valero-Delgado, F. , van den Broeke, M. R. , van de Wal, R. S. W. , Wagenbach, D. , Wegner, A. , Weiler, K. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID:, Winther, J. G. and Wolff, E. (2006)
One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica ,
Nature, 444 (7116), pp. 195-198 .
doi:10.1038/nature05301 , hdl:10013/epic.41684
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Bertler, N. , Mayewski, P. , Aristarain, A. , Barrett, P. , Becagli, S. , Bernardo, R. T. , Bo, S. , Cunde, X. , Curran, M. , Dahe, Q. , Dixon, D. , Ferron, F. A. , Fischer, H. , Frey, M. , Frezzotti, M. , Fundel, F. , Genthon, C. , Gragani, R. , Hamilton, G. , Handley, M. , Hong, S. , Isaksson, E. , Jiancheng, K. , Jiawen, R. , Kamiyama, K. , Kanamori, S. , Kärkäs, E. , Karlöf, L. , Kaspari, S. , Kreutz, K. , Kurbatov, A. , Meyerson, E. , Ming, Y. , Mingjun, Z. , Motoyama, H. , Mulvaney, R. , Oerter, H. , Osterberg, E. , Proposito, M. , Pyne, A. , Ruth, U. , Simoes, J. C. , Smith, B. , Sneed, S. , Teinlä, K. , Traufetter, F. , Udisti, R. , Virkkula, A. , Watanabe, O. , Williamson, B. , Winther, J. G. , Yuansheng, L. , Wolff, E. , Zhongqin, L. and Zielinski, A. (2006)
Snow chemistry across Antarctica ,
Annals of Glaciology, 41 , pp. 167-179 .
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Brook, E. , Wolff, E. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Fischer, H. and Steig, E. (2006)
The future of ice coring: International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) ,
IGBP Global Change NewsLetter, 65 , pp. 4-7 .

Brook, E. J. , Wolff, E. , Dahl-Jensen, D. , Fischer, H. and Steig, E. J. (2006)
The future of ice coring: International partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) ,
PAGES news, 14 (1), pp. 6-10 .

Wolff, E. , Kull, C. , Chappellaz, J. , Fischer, H. , Miller, H. , Stocker, T. F. , Watson, A. J. , Flower, B. , Joos, F. , Köhler, P. ORCID:, Matsumoto, K. , Monnin, E. , Mudelsee, M. ORCID:, Paillard, D. and Shackleton, N. (2005)
Modeling past atmospheric CO2: Results of a challenge ,
EOS Trans. AGU, 86 (38), pp. 341-345 .
doi:10.1029/2005EO380003 , hdl:10013/epic.22713
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Wagenbach, D. , Ducroz, F. , Mulvaney, R. , Keck, L. , Minikin, A. , Legrand, M. , Hall, J. S. and Wolff, E. (1998)
Sea-salt aerosol in coastal Antarctic regions ,
Journal of Geophysical ResearchD9, 103 , pp. 10961-10974 .

Minikin, A. , Legrand, M. , Hall, J. , Wagenbach, D. , Kleefeld, C. , Wolff, E. , Ducroz, F. and Claire Pasteur, E. (1998)
Sulfur-containing species (sulfate and methansulfonate) in coastal Antarctic aerosol and precipitation ,
Journal of Geophysical ResearchD9, 103 , pp. 10975-10990 .


Conference -Invited talk
Fischer, H. , Köhler, P. ORCID:, Stocker, T. F. , Chappellaz, J. and Wolff, E. (2008)
Climate and global biogeochemical cycles in the ice core paleoperspective ,
The 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, NorwayAugust 2008. .

Conference -Invited talk
Wolff, E. , Siegenthaler, U. , Raynaud, D. , Barnola, J. M. , Chappellaz, J. , Luethi, D. , Stocker, T. F. , Fischer, H. and Köhler, P. ORCID: (2006)
Atmospheric CO2 in the late Quaternary ,
Eos Trans. AGU,87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP23E-07, 2006. 11-15 Dec 2006, San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Lambert, F. , Bigler, M. , Kaufmann, P. , Stauffer, B. , Castellano, E. , Migliori, A. , Udisti, R. , Wolff, E. , Jouzel, J. and Ruth, U. (2003)
Where is interstadial 13 in the Dome C ice core? Findings from the dust and the chemical records ,
European Research Conference on "Polar Regions and Quarternary Climate", San Feliu de Guixois, SpainOctober 2003. .

This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 13:52:56 2025 UTC.