Items where Division is "Ecological Chemistry" and Year is 1999

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Number of items: 36.

Thesis -PhD
Albers, C. (1999)
Lipidstoffwechsel polarer Copepoden: Laborexperimente und Felduntersuchungen ,
PhD thesis, Universität Bremen.

Conference -Poster
Albers, C. and Kattner, G. (1999)
Lipid compositions of dominant Arctic and Antarctic Oithonidae and Oncaeidae ,
ASLO Aquatic Scienes Meeting, Santa Fe, USA. .

Cohen, M. C. L. , Lara, R. J. , Ramos, J. F. F. and Dittmar, T. (1999)
Factors influencing the variability of Mg, Ca and K in waters of a mangrove creek in Braganca, North Brazil. ,
Mangroves and salt marshes, 3 , pp. 9-15 .

Conference -Poster
Engbrodt, R. , Bussmann, I. ORCID: and Kattner, G. (1999)
Reactivity and selectivity of XAD resins for the extraction of polar marine humic substances ,
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Falk-Petersen, S. , Hagen, W. , Kattner, G. , Clarke, A. and Sargent, J. R. (1999)
Lipids - key components of dominant species of Arctic and Antarctic krill ,
Second International Symposium on Krill at the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Falk-Petersen, S. , Hagen, W. , Kattner, G. , Clarke, A. and Sargent, J. R. (1999)
The role of lipids in relation to the ecology and biodiversity or Arctic and Antarctic krill ,
50th Anniversary Meeting of the Norwegian Society of Ocean Researchers. .

Thesis -PhD
Fitznar, H. P. (1999)
D-Aminosäuren als Tracer für biogeochemische Prozesse im Fluß-Schelf-Ozean-System der Arktis ,
PhD thesis, Universität Bremen.

Conference -Talk
Fitznar, H. P. and Kattner, G. (1999)
D-Amino Acids as Tracers for Bacterial Alteration of Dissolved Organic Matter ,
6th International Congress on Amino Acids, Bonn. .

Conference -Invited talk
Helmke, E. (1999)
From ecology to biotechnology of sea ice bacteria ,
Marine biotechnology and biosensoric symposium, Greifswald .

Conference -Invited talk
Helmke, E. (1999)
Ökologische und physiologische Charakteristika der arktischen und antarktischen Meereisflora ,
Institut für Polarökologie, Universität Kiel. .

Honda, D. , Yokochi, T. , Nakahara, T. , Raghukumar, S. , Nakagiri, A. , Schaumann, K. and Higashihara, T. (1999)
Molecular phylogeny of labyrinthulids and thraustochytrids based on the sequencing of 18S RNA gene ,
Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, 46 (6), pp. 637-646 .

Conference -Invited talk
Kattner, G. (1999)
Biogeochemical tracers in the river shelf ocean system ,
Special Seminar, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Kattner, G. (1999)
Natürliche chemische Tracer im Fluß-Schelf-Ozean System ,
Seminarvortrag, Institut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde. .

Kattner, G. (1999)
Storage of dissolved inorganic nutrients in seawater: poisoning with mercuric chloride ,
Marine Chemistry, 67 , pp. 61-66 .

Conference -Talk
Kattner, G. (1999)
Tracers for organic matter in the Arctic river-shelf-ocean system ,
Special Seminar, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Kattner, G. (1999)
Tracers for organic matter in the Arctic river-shelf-ocean system ,
15th Biennial International Conference Estuarine Research Federation '99, New Orleans, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Kattner, G. and Hagen, W. (1999)
The potential of fatty acids as biomarkers. ,
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, USA. .

Kattner, G. , Lobbes, J. M. , Fitznar, H. P. , Engbrodt, R. , Nöthig, E. M. ORCID: and Lara, R. J. (1999)
Tracing dissolved organic substances and nutrients from the Lena River through Laptev Sea (Arctic) ,
Marine Chemistry, 65 , pp. 25-39 .

Kirchner, M. , Sahling, G. , Schütt, C. , Döpke, H. and Uhlig, G. (1999)
Intracellular bacteria in the red tide-forming heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans ,
Archiv fur hydrobiologie, Spec Issue Adv Limnol 54:297 .

Kriews, M. and Schrems, O. (1999)
A one year survey of heavy metal deposition at Spitzbergen ,
Atmospheric Environment, submitted .

Conference -Poster
Kriews, M. , Stölting, I. and Schrems, O. (1999)
Multielement analyses in aerosol particles from the Arctic during dry and wet sampling periods ,
Posterbeitrag auf dem CANAS`99, 14.3.-19.3.99, Konstanz .

Lahaye, M. , Cimadevilla, E. A. C. , Kuhlenkamp, R. , Quemener, B. , Lognoné, V. and Dion, P. (1999)
Chemical composition and 13C NMR spectroscopic charcterization of ulvans from Ulva (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) ,
Journal of Applied Phycology 11, pp. 1-7 .

Lara, R. J. and Dittmar, T. (1999)
Nutrient dynamics in a mangrove creek (North Brazil) during the dry season. ,
Mangroves and salt marshes, 3 , pp. 185-195 .

Lobbes, J. M. , Fitznar, H. P. and Kattner, G. (1999)
High-performance liquid chromatography of lignin-derived phenols in environmental samples with diode array detection ,
Analytical Chemistry, 71 , pp. 3008-3012 .

Conference -Poster
Lobbes, J. M. and Kattner, G. (1999)
Compositional characteristics of riverine organic matter entering the Arctic Ocean ,
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, USA. .

Thesis -PhD
Mühlebach, A. (1999)
Sterole im herbstlichen Weddellmeer (Antarktis): Großräumige Verteilung, Vorkommen und Umsatz ,
PhD thesis, Universität Bremen.

Mühlebach, A. , Albers, C. and Kattner, G. (1999)
Differences in the sterol composition of dominant Antarctic zooplankton ,
Lipids, 34 , pp. 45-51 .

Perovic, S. , Wetzler, C. , Brümmer, F. , Elbrächter, M. , Tretter, L. , Wichels, A. ORCID:, Müller, W. E. G. and Schröder, H. (1999)
Changes of ICE protease activities caused by toxic supernatants of dinoflagellates (Prorocentrum species) from marine algal blooms ,
European journal of protistology, 35 , pp. 267-274 .

Rick, H. J. , Baumann, M. E. M. , Beddig, S. , Bleil, J. , Brasse, S. , Brockmann, U. H. , Buchholz, F. , Diel-Christiansen, S. , Fehner, U. , George, M. , Kabatnik, C. , Klawon, A. , Kopp, R. , Koschinski, P. , Krause, M. , Ladwig, N. , Poremba, K. , Raabe, T. , Reimer, A. , Rieling, T. , Rick, S. , Schaumann, K. , Tillmann, A. , Tillmann, U. ORCID:, Thomas, D. N. , Weber, A. , Weide, G. , Wolff, G. , Gärtner, U. , Göbel, A. , Mehrkühler, C. , Müller, R. , Schütt, M. , Sündermann, J. , Hesse, K. and Dürselen, C. D. (1999)
Balances and imbalances of production and respiration in German Bight pelagic Systems ,
Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 51, pp. 3-4 .

Robineau, B. , Legendre, L. , Michel, C. , Budéus, G. , Kattner, G. , Schneider, W. and Pesant, S. (1999)
Ultraphytoplankton abundances and chlorophyll a concentrations in ice-covered waters of northern seas ,
Journal of Plankton Research, 21 , pp. 735-755 .

Conference -Talk
Schütt, C. (1999)
Intracellular Marine Microorganisms - A Potential for Pharmaceuticals ,
Proceedings of International Symposium on Progress and Prospect of Marine Biotechnology (ISPPMB 1998) .

Conference -Talk
Thomas, D. N. , Kennedy, H. , Kattner, G. , Gerdes, D. , Gough, C. and Dieckmann, G. (1999)
Biogeochemistry of platelet ice: Influence on particle flux under land fast sea ice during summer at Drescher Inlet, Weddell Sea, Antarctica ,
Symposium of the Ecology of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone (EASIZ), Bremerhaven. .

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