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Number of items: 60.

Rachor, E. (2003)
Salzwiesenentwicklung an der Wurster Küste ,
Bremer Beiträge Naturschutz, 6 , pp. 51-60 .

Conference -Conference paper
Knust, R. , Arntz, W. , Boche, M. , Brey, T. ORCID:, Gerdes, D. , Mintenbeck, K. ORCID:, Schröder, A. , Starmans, A. and Teixidó, N. (2003)
Iceberg scouring on the eastern Weddell Sea shelf (Antarctica): a benthic system shaped by physical disturbances? (Proc. SCAR Biol. Symp. Amsterdam.) ,
Huiskes, A.H.L., Gieskes, W.W.C., Rozema, J., Schorno, R.M.L., van der Vies, S.M., Wolff, W.J. (eds): Antarctic biology in a global context. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, p. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (2003)
La vida en los fondos marinos australes. ,
Exposición "Antártida", Spanisches Antarktisprogramm, Madrid/Spanien, Lecture. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (2003)
Antártida y Ciencia: Importancia de un enfoque científico para el conocimiento y conservación de la Antártida, Lecture. ,
Jahrestagung der Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias del Mar, Punta Arenas/Chile. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (2003)
The Antarctic-Magellan connection: Macrobenthos studies on the shelf and upper slope, a progress report, Lecture. ,
IBMANT/ANDEEP Symposium, Ushuaia, Argentinien. .

Conference -Invited talk
Gutt, J. (2003)
Modellierung polarer Biodiversität im Klimawandel ,
DFG-Rundgespräch "Muster und ursachen der natürlichen Dynamik polarer Geoökosysteme, 20-21 Feb., Bonn, Germany. .

Conference -Invited talk
Rachor, E. (2003)
Wovon leben die Tiere unter dem Packeis? Biologische Forschungen im Nordmeer ,
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Bremen.1.2003. .

Conference -Invited talk
Lovrich, G. A. , Thatje, S. , Anger, K. and Calcagno, J. A. (2003)
The new colonizers: the return of crabs to the Antarctic ,
Otto Nordeskhold Expedition 1901-1903 and Swedish scientist in Patagonia: a symposium. Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, March .

Conference -Talk
Anger, K. and Thatje, S. (2003)
Resistenz gegen Kälte und Hunger: Königskrabben als Kandidaten für eine Wiederbesiedelung der Antarktis ,
11. Crustaceologen-Tagung an der Universität Ulm.-23.02. .

Conference -Talk
Gutt, J. and Piepenburg, D. (2003)
Grounding icebergs enhance regional benthic diversity in Antarctica ,
GFÖ-Symposium 2003. .

Conference -Talk
Potthoff, M. , Gutt, J. , Johst, K. and Wissel, C. (2003)
Patchy Dispersal Permits Coexistence ,
GFÖ-Symposium 2003. .

Conference -Poster
Arntz, W. , Gallardo, V. , Gerdes, D. , Montiel, A. , Palma, M. , Quiroga, E. and Teixido, N. (2003)
Das Makrobenthos im Bereich der O2 - Minimumzone entlang der chilenischen Küste: Verteilungmuster und Anpassungen ,
Statusseminar 2003 Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne, 12-14 März, Hamburg, Deutschland. .

Conference -Poster
Heilmayer, O. (2003)
Life in cold water: What is the price for reproduction? A scallop example. ,
14th International Pectinid Workshop, St. Petersburg, Florida.. .

Conference -Talk
Heilmayer, O. and Brey, T. ORCID: (2003)
Scaling of metabolic rate with body mass and temperature in scallops ,
14th International Pectinid Workshop, St. Petersburg, Florida .

Gili, J. M. , Rossi, S. , Teixidó, N. and Gutt, J. (2003)
Así estamos dejando los fondos marinos ,
Investigación y ciencia : Edición en español de Scientific American, 318, Marzo, pp. 42-43 .

Conference -Invited talk
Heilmayer, O. (2003)
Starr vor Kälte? Ökophysiologische Anpassungen von Kammuscheln im latitudinalen Gradienten ,
Sonder-Kolloquium, 13. Juni, Inst. f. Polarökologie, Kiel. .

Conference -Poster
Lomovasky, B. , Brey, T. ORCID: and Morriconi, E. (2003)
Growth and productivity of the venerid bivalve Tawera gayi (Hupé, 1854) in the Bahía Ushuaia, Beagle Channel. ,
IBMANT Symposium, Ushuaia, Argentina. .

Conference -Talk
Deubel, H. and Klages, M. (2003)
Remarks to macrobenthic investigation of the Siberian shelf seas and deep Arctic basins with special reference to the Kara Sea, Laptev Sea and Lomonosov Ridge area. ,
1st Arctic Biodiversity Workshop, 11.-14. April, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA. .

Conference -Conference paper
Deubel, H. and Klages, M. (2003)
Remarks to macrobenthic investigation of the Siberian shelf seas and deep Arctic basins with special reference to the Kara Sea, Laptev Sea and Lomonosov Ridge area. ,
Proceedings of the Arctic Biodiversity Workshop : new census of marine life initiative : April 11-14, 2003, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA / Katrin Iken and Brenda Konar, editors. Fairbanks, Alaska : Alaska Sea Grant College Program .

Conference -Talk
Thatje, S. , Anger, K. , Calcagno, J. A. and Lovrich, G. A. (2003)
Challenging the cold: crabs return to the Antarctic ,
IBMANT/ANDEEP 2002- Interactions between the Magellan Region and the Antarctic/ Antarctic benthic deep-sea biodiversity. International Symposium & Workshop, Ushuaia, Argentina.-24 October 2003. .

Conference -Talk
Sahade, R. , Laudien, J. ORCID:, Tatián, M. and Stellfeldt, A. (2003)
Comunidades Bentónicas Polares: una Comparación a Pequeña Escala entre Caleta Potter, Antártida y Kongsfjord, Spitsbergen. ,
Congreso Argentino de Ciencias del Mar, Mar del Plata, 8-12.12.2003, Argentina. .

Conference -Poster
Stellfeldt, A. , Sahade, R. and Laudien, J. ORCID: (2003)
Estructura de Comunidades Macrobentónicas en un Fiordo Artico: Kongsfjord, Spitsbergen ,
Congreso Argentino de Ciencias del Mar, Mar del Plata, 8-12.12.2003, Argentina. .

Conference -Invited talk
Thatje, S. (2003)
Sobre la evolucion de los decapodos del Oceano Sur ,
Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), October 3, Mar del Plata, Argentina. .

Conference -Invited talk
Laudien, J. ORCID:, Arntz, W. and Tarazona, J. (2003)
ENSO biological versus physical early warning in the East Pacific, Lecture. ,
Second International Conference on Early Warning, 16-18 Oct, Bonn, Germany .

Thesis -PhD
Heilmayer, O. (2003)
Environment, adaptation and evolution: Scallop ecology across the latitudinal gradient ,
PhD thesis, Universität Bremen.
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Conference -Invited talk
Schiel, S. (2003)
The role of zooplankton in the pelago-benthic coupling ,
Invited keynote. IBMANT-Interaction between the Magellan region and the Antarctic. International Symposium and Workshop, Ushuaia, ArgentinienOctober 2003. .

Conference -Poster
Niehoff, B. (2003)
Gonad morphology types in calanoid copepods an ecological approach ,
ICES Symposium on Zooplankton Production, Gijon, May, Spanien. .

Conference -Poster
Barz, K. and Hirche, H. J. (2003)
Seasonal distribution and prey of Aurelia aurita in the Bornholm Basin (central Baltic) ,
3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium, 20-23 May, Gijon, Spain. .

Romero, M. C. , Tapella, F. , Lovrich, G. A. and Thatje, S. (2003)
Decapod reproduction and distribution. In: The Expedition ANTARKTIS XIX/5 (LAMPOS) of RV "Polarstern" in 2002, Arntz, W.E. and Brey, T. (eds). ,
Ber. Polarforsch. Meeresforsch., 462 , pp. 67-72 .

Fröb, M. , Herman, R. , Linse, K. , Loidl, R. , Thatje, S. and Zelaya, D. (2003)
Seabird observations. In: The Expedition ANTARKTIS XIX/5 (LAMPOS) of RV "Polarstern" in 2002, Arntz, W.E. and Brey, T. (eds) ,
Ber. Polarforsch. Meeresforsch, 462 , pp. 78-80 .

Conference -Conference paper
Deubel, H. and Klages, M. (2003)
Remarks to macrobenthic investigations of the Siberian shelf seas and deep Arctic basins with special reference to the Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, and Lomonosov Ridge areas ,
Proceedings of the Arctic Biodiversity Workshop, Alaska Sea Grant College Program,M-26 .

Conference -Talk
Arntz, W. (2003)
Das biologische Frühwarnsystem des ENSO-Phänomens im Pazifik, Lecture. ,
Geol. Institut Univ. München/Münchener Rückversicherung, 4. Forum Katastrophenvorsorge, Juli 2003. .

Conference -Talk
Arntz, W. (2003)
Importancia de un enfoque científico para el conocimiento y conservación de la Antártida ,
Universidad de Magallanes (chilenische Ökologentagung), Chile .

Conference -Poster
Hoff, J. , Bester, M. , Biuw, M. , Bornemann, H. , Burton, H. , Bradshaw, C. , Campagna, C. , Carlini, A. , Fedak, M. , Field, I. , Hindell, M. , Lewis, M. , McConnell, B. , McMahon, C. , Muelbert, M. , Plötz, J. and Slip, D. (2003)
Circumpolar foraging habitat of the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) ,
15th Biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, 1419 December 2003, Greensboro, NC, USA. .
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Field Report
Grabbert, S. , Gerdes, D. , Knust, R. and Bohlmann, H. (2003)
Hydrography ,
[Field Report]

Conference -Talk
Gutt, J. and Piepenburg, D. (2003)
Grounding icebergs enhance regional benthic diversity in Antarctica ,
Lecture, GFÖ Symposium, 7-11 Sept., Halle, germany. .

Conference -Talk
Anger, K. , Lovrich, G. A. , Thatje, S. and Calcagno, J. A. (2003)
Larval and early juvenile development of Lithodes santolla (Molina, 1782) (Decapoda: Anomura: Lithodidae) reared at different temperatures in the laboratory ,
IBMANT/ANDEEP 2002- Interactions between the Magellan Region and the Antarctic/ Antarctic benthic deep-sea biodiversity. International Symposium & Workshop, Ushuaia, Argentina.-24 October 2003. .

Conference -Poster
Orejas, C. (2003)
The deep coral banks in the Mediterranean submarine canyons: an unexplored nursery habitat for commercial species ,
Second Deep Sea Corals Symposium, 8-13 Sept., Erlangen, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Engel, M. (2003)
Seasonal cycle of calanoid copepod eggs resting in sea bottom sediments from the German Bight (North Sea). ,
ICES/PICES/GLOBEC Symposium on "The role of zooplankton in Global Ecosystem Dynamics: Comparative studies from World Oceans": Gijón, SpainMay 2003. .

Conference -Poster
Arntz, W. , Gallardo, V. A. , Gerdes, D. , Montiel, A. , Quiroga, E. and Teixido, N. (2003)
Das Makrozoobenthos im Bereich der Sauerstoffminimumzone entlang der Chilenischen Küste: allgemeine Verteilungsmuster und Anpassungen charakteristischer Arten an niedrige O2-Sättigung ,
Statusseminar 2003,Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne, 12.-14.März, Hamburg, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Montiel, A. , Gerdes, D. and Arntz, W. (2003)
The establishment of the Magellan polychaete fauna: when and from where? ,
IBMANT and ANDEEP International Symposium and Workshop, 19-24 Oct., Ushuaia, Argentina. .

Rehm, P. and Heider, R. (2003)
Resting eggs as possible overwintering strategy of neritic calanoid copepods in the Kara Sea ,
Reports on Polar and Marine Research, Alfred Wegener Institut for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, 450 , pp. 22-23 .

Rehm, P. and Heider, R. (2003)
Complementary sampling for macrobenthic studies of the estuaries of Ob and Yenisei and the central Kara Sea ,
Reports on Polar and Marine Research, Alfred Wegener Institut for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, 450 .

Conference -Poster
Peters, J. , Renz, J. and Hagen, W. (2003)
Seasonality of lipid composition - indication of food quality and trophodynamics in Baltic Sea copepods? ,
3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium, Gijon, Spain, May 20-23 .

Thesis -PhD
Teixidó Ullod, N. (2003)
Analysing benthic communities in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica): a landscape approach. ,
PhD thesis, Universität Bremen.

Thesis -Diplom
Joschko, T. (2003)
Zusammensetzung und jahreszeitliches Auftreten von Küstenzooplankton vor Namibia ,
Diplom thesis, Universität Oldenburg.

Thesis -Diplom
Zimmer, I. (2003)
Flügelschlagfrequenz als Maß für den Energieverbrauch bei Pinguinen: Strategien und Konsequenzen ,
Diplom thesis, Universität Bremen.
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Conference -Poster
Velez, J. , Watson, W. and Sandknop, E. (2003)
Larval development of the Pacific Sandperch (Prolatilus jugularis) (Pisces: Pinguipedidae) from the Independencia Bight, Pisco, Peru ,
27th Annual Larval Fish Conference, Santa Cruz, California USA August 20-23 .

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