Sea-ice melt determines seasonal phytoplankton dynamics and delimits the habitat of temperate Atlantic taxa as the Arctic Ocean atlantifies

ellen.oldenburg [ at ]


The Arctic Ocean is one of the regions where anthropogenic environmental change is progressing most rapidly and drastically. The impact of rising temperatures and decreasing sea ice on Arctic marine microbial communities is yet not well understood. Microbes form the basis of food webs in the Arctic Ocean, providing energy for larger organisms. Previous studies have shown that Atlantic taxa associated with low light are robust to more polar conditions. We compared to which extent sea ice melt influences light-associated phytoplankton dynamics and biodiversity over two years at two mooring locations in the Fram Strait. One mooring is deployed in pure Atlantic water, and the second in the intermittently ice-covered Marginal Ice Zone. Time-series analysis of amplicon sequence variants abundance over a 2-year period, allowed us to identify communities of co-occurring taxa that exhibit similar patterns throughout the annual cycle. We then examined how alterations in environmental conditions affect the prevalence of species. During high abundance periods of diatoms, polar phytoplankton populations dominated, while temperate taxa were weakly represented. Furthermore, we found that polar pelagic and ice-associated taxa, such as Fragilariopsis cylindrus and Melosira arctica, were more common in Atlantic conditions, while temperate taxa, such as Odontella aurita and Proboscia alata, were less abundant under polar conditions. This suggests that sea ice melt may act as a barrier to the northward expansion of temperate phytoplankton, preventing their dominance in regions still strongly influenced by polar conditions. Our findings highlight the complex interactions between sea ice melt, phytoplankton dynamics, and biodiversity in the Arctic.

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DOI 10.1093/ismeco/ycae027

Cite as
Oldenburg, E. , Popa, O. , Wietz, M. , von Appen, W. J. , Torres-Valdes, S. , Bienhold, C. , Ebenhöh, O. and Metfies, K. (2024): Sea-ice melt determines seasonal phytoplankton dynamics and delimits the habitat of temperate Atlantic taxa as the Arctic Ocean atlantifies , ISME Communications, 4 (1), ycae027-ycae027 . doi: 10.1093/ismeco/ycae027

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